For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
At FUMC, we believe in the importance of serving our church, our community, and our world. Please fill out the form below and someone will contact you about getting plugged in with a ministry team.
Our Student Ministry included those from 6th to 12th grade. We are always looking for volunteers for actives, as well as to provide meals!
Click the icon to visit our page.
Click the icon to visit our page.
First Kids is a vibrant, active group that spans ages birth to 6th grade. We always love to have plenty of volunteers for learning and play!
Click the icon to visit our page.
Click the icon to visit our page.

Hope Ministry Alliance is a local food pantry supported by First United Methodist Church, along with other congregations. Volunteer to help with distribution or donate nonperishable items.

The Blessing Box is located in the FUMC Maumelle parking lot. Items in the box are available for anyone in need at no cost. Anyone can donate at anytime.
United Methodist Men provide community and ministry support throughout our church. Join to be part of the ongoing outreach.

If you feel like you don't have time to commit to a continuous ministry, but would love to be called on to help out with last minute/one time opportunities, you can be on our list of Just in Time Volunteers. Fill out the contact form below.

Maumelle Neighbor Network provides assistance with yard work for community members. Fill out the contact form below to be part of the team and help our neighbor in need.
Questions about volunteering?
We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.
Our House empowers homeless and near-homeless families and individuals to succeed in the workforce, in school, and in life through hard work, wise decision-making, and active participation in the community.