Upcoming Events
Thursday, February 20th - Church Office Closed due to weather
Sunday, February 23rd - Regular Worship Schedule, 11am Scout Sunday
Sunday, February 23rd @ 5pm - Family Nerf Battle, FLC
Sunday, March 2nd @ 10am - One Service Sunday, Sanctuary, Community Service
Sunday, March 2nd @ 5pm - St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Community Service, Sanctuary
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Our Pastor has challenged us to join him in an endeavor that not many twenty-first century Methodists have embarked upon. In 2025 Pastor Justin is going to read through the entire Bible in the biblical sequence. And each week he will preach from a text found among that week’s readings.  He tells us it will only require us to read 23 chapters each week and commit to maybe as much as 30 minutes each day. He wants us to grasp the whole story of salvation and come to understand our faith at a level far deeper than the understanding of most Christians in our culture. I, for one, am in. And for those who want to gather with a group and think together about the chapters we are reading each week, our church is offering a study each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. Leaflets with listed readings will be available each Sunday before worship.

I look forward to being with you as we delve deeper into the Book that is the sacred story that longs to become your story and my story.

-Rev. Bruce Bennett
Weekly Recurring Events:
Sunday @ 9am - In person Contemporary Worship (Livestreamed on Facebook; found on Youtube and our website at 10am)
Sunday @ 10am - Sunday School
Sunday @ 11am - In person Traditional Worship (Livestreamed on Facebook)
Sunday @ 5pm - Sunday Night Youth
Monday @ 10am - Hope Ministry Alliance
Monday @ 6:30pm - Scouts & Webelos/AOL
Wednesday @ 1:30pm - Friendship Bible Class
Wednesday @ 5pm - Praise Team Practice
Wednesday @ 6:30pm - Choir Practice
Thursday @ 10am - Prayer Shawl Ministry, rm 103
Friday @ 10am - Hope Ministry Alliance
Friday @ 8pm - AA Meeting* -  Alan (501) 291-9862